Java Swing Application Development By Using a GUI(Graphical User Interface)

useing all control source_01.jpg

There are two ways to create a frame:

01.By creating the object of Frame class (association) 02.By extending Frame class (inheritance)

These are the Control Source we use in this Program:

JPanel class :- The JPanel is a simplest contanier provied space in which an appliction can attach any other inherits the JComponents class.

JLabel class:- It is Used to display a single line of read only text can be changed by an application but a user cannot edit it inherits JComponent class.

JTextField class:- It is a text componet that allows the editing of a single line text. it inherits JTextComponent class.

JTextArea class:- It is a multi line region that displays allows the editing of multiple line inherit JTextComponet class.

JButton class:- It is a use for the when application result in some action when the button is inherits AbstractButton class.

JRadioButton class:- It is a used for choose one option from multiple options.

jCheckBox class:- It is a used to turn an option "True" or "False".

JComboBox class:- It is a used to popup menu of choice. Choice selected by user is shown on the top of a menu.